Wildlife rescue work in Rhode Island can be rewarding if this work matches your IifestyIe. Wildlife rescue and rehabilitation serves an important function in alleviating the suffering of injured or displaced animals, as well as maintaining the balance of ecosystems and protecting human members of the community. There are many reasons an animal may need to be rescued. One reason is that as communities develop and expand, wild animals lose their habitats to new buildings and roads. Once the animals are displaced, there are often conflicts between animals and humans. For instance, animals may nest and reproduce in the crawl space, basement, attic, or chimney of a home. Wild animals may have conflicts with domestic pets. Natural predators such as wild cats may be dangerous. Wild animals may turn over trash or damage property. These conflicts may unfortunately diminish urban and suburban appreciation for wildlife. However, animals are deserving of life, respect, and appropriate care. Disrupting the natural habitat of a given species can have far-reaching consequences to the entire ecosystem.
Some common types of wildlife that may need rescue or rehabilitation are squirrels, raccoons, and skunks. A squirrel is often considered a nuisance, but many people like squirrels because of their cute appearance and often entertaining behavior. A captive squirrel can be trained nearly as well as dogs. Wild squirrels thrive in many environments and can serve as a necessary part of the food chain for certain predators. Raccoons are very interesting and intelligent creatures that are rejected by some people and loved by others. Skunks are often maligned for the scent they can produce, but skunks only spray as a last resort when extensively provoked. All forms of wildlife are important to the balance of their ecosystems. Wildlife in need of rescue has the best chance of survival with a professional Wildlife Rehabilitator. Baby animals should be carefully picked up with a cloth and placed in a cloth-lined box with a lid that has holes in it and carefully transported to the nearest Wildlife Rehabilitator. Resources exist in most communities for caring for adult wildlife.
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There is an increasing need for wildlife rescue and rehabilitation due to continuing urban and suburban development. Squirrel meat has become very fashionable for dinner parties in Great Britain. Many pieces of Native American folklore center on raccoons.
Related pages:
Wildlife Rescue
Rhode Island Animal Rescue
(Sorted by Zip Code.)
Bristol County - Bristol, RI 02809 Spay/Neuter Assistance Program 401-254-1052
Newport County - Middletown, Rhode Island 02842 Potter League for Animals 401-846-8276
Providence County - Providence, Rhode Island 02903 Defenders of Animals 401-738-3710
Providence County - Providence, RI 02904 Volunteer Services for Animals 401-273- 0358
Providence County - Providence, RI 02906 Rhode Island Veterinary Association 401-751-0944
If you find any of the above spay/neuter information is incorrect,
or if you know another low-cost clinic to recommend, please
call Rescue Me! at 1-800-800-2099 with this information.